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Weight Solutions


First: It is NOT your fault !  Weight gain is NOT mainly physical

I'm Marianne, at the biggest was at least 34 stone/ 216 KG / 476.2 pounds - I have lost around 20 stone / 127 KG / 280 pounds with no effort, only joy and ease. 

  • Good news the weight is still coming off, and it is staying off, 100% naturally, sustainably and permanently. My body / bodies has regained a natural balance with Empowered Awareness and Health Sovereignty! 

We have supported countless others to find that same precious balance.

  • Long term weight loss maintenance / keeping weight balanced for life after weight loss is something only 0.3% of people are able to achieve with all the diets and tools out there in "mainstream land".
  • Extreme weight loss and KEEPING it off. This is my (Marianne's) great beneficial long term and lasting "side effect" - "effect" of living a life with our beautiful easy joyful health and wellbeing solutions. 
  • Solutions that enhances the joy and sweetness of life in every way.


  • Marianne and Andreas have both healed themselves from autoimmune diseases (including cancer, MS, Thyroid issues and "mystery diseases"), so are aware of the stress that any dis - ease can cause in life. As well as having supported countless others to do the same for themselves.
  • "We know how it feels to struggle and even to "believe" the "dooming" diagnosis of "incurable life style diseases". 
  • More importantly we know that there are solutions and that wellbeing and Natural Health Sovereignty (the body's true NHS), is everyone's natural state. 

  • Weight gain can have solely psychosomatic and STRESS related reasons.

Taking your power back is essential. 

Good health and wellbeing is our bodies natural state.


We are in the process of moving and transforming our website and online presence from  to at

We will also be found on social media by @EmpoweredAwareness

There is much to come. We'll see you there

Love and Respect

Marianne & Andreas

  • The extra weight, and the high levels of stress hormones and other toxins in her body caused extreme pain and many other issues, several labels that were incredibly debilitating. 

  • Marianne was just told by the doctors "who did not listen nor seem to believe her" (which made things worse), just to take their petrochemical pills /synthetic medicines (which made things a lot worse), and not to do what hurt (walking, moving, crawling up stair in extreme pain (?)), or eat certain things, that she simply never ate anyway. 
 Weight gain is NOT mainly physical


  • A life time of depriving and harming myself with products and "diets" that did not just not work, but were harmful to my body's natural systems (microbiomes in the brain, gut and so much more). 
  • Belief systems (BS), that I was taught by the malware belief systems, that others had bought into and were zealous about.
  • I was taken to "Weight Watchers" and "Slimming "World" from the age of 6-7, even though I never needed any of that. There was nothing wrong with me, I was perfect the way was.  
  • We also deal more specificity, to topic in varying and different ways with theses issues of toxic petrochemicals in food, farming, medications and other body and home products and how to move beyond, avoid and simply stop the harm, in: Life Style design vs. life style disease        Detox your Life   and   Survival training for the Health, Food & Wellness jungle    

 It is supposed to be easy: Our amazing intelligent bodies, the DNA, has all the answers to perfect health, wealth and wellbeing are available. We just has to (re-)learn how to access the information and put it into practice.


  • At my biggest I was at least 34 stone / 216 KG /476.2 pounds I have lost around 20 stone / 127 KG / 280 pounds with no effort, only joy and ease.


Trauma processing:

with Compassion !

Sovereignty, self ownership and freedom

My trauma processing included 
and if I can do this, you can do it too:
  • Raped by a Doctor age 4. (My mother told me that we must not tell anyone about this. She then locked me in the bedroom while herself storming through the house screaming at my father and brother that the child was ruined).
  • after 40 years of living with Stockholm syndrome, I finally walked away from the familiar slavery that resulted, from non of the adults in my 4 year old self's life, dealing the issue, nor processing their own low frequency traumas, fears, stress, pain, suffering.  
  •  Patterns of victim and abuse, or addiction and co-addiction, cause a lot of harm in society in general. So many massive pink elephants in the room, never mind the attempts at stuffed them under a rug.
  • Fear based malware issues, the inner corruption, can be seen not just in the small “family” unit, but in society at large (politics, medicines, education – anywhere there is “bureaucracy” its relatively ripe) and it gives ones power to there others. 
  • We also deal with other aspects of stress, trauma and fear processing in: Life Style design vs. life style disease   and  Empowered Awareness in life design

As we free ourselves, we free the world.

  • This kind of underlying malware, is also the reason why so many say that the “the Law of Attraction” does not work for them.
  • Our aim is to share the solutions, so that the struggles can be over for you too.
  • One step at the time there has been many steps to freedom, to health, to wealth and to happiness. to sovereignty

The thing is:
  • Everyone, one and all, has the POWER!
  • The POWER to have the FREEDOM and WEALTH of HEALTH.
  • Sometimes we just need a little help and support along the way.

If you want help in the process : This is why we do what we do. It is always a pleasure to support someone to wellness and watch them soar.
For more information please e-mail us at:

Can we work with you ?

We have a small application process, to get a feel of your goals and wished for results, for you. 

This helps both you and us to find out if we are a match: 

  • Are you committed to long term lifestyle changes, but don't know how to start, or how to stay committed without struggle?
  • Are you wanting to live a joyful, long & healthy life?

To book sessions with Marianne or Andreas :

We work online through skype / telegram /FaceTime which fits in the best with a worldwide clientèle  (We also work In person / hands on)

Please feel free to Contact us: e-mail:   
or use the contact link in the sidebar.

We look forward to knowing you and sharing part of the journey to thriving with you.

With Love & Respect
Marianne & Andreas

What our clients say - "Grace: “ What ever it is what you both are doing, you have to bottle it up, because I feel so much better already.
"Geraldine: "This feeling of vibrancy and vitality is astonishingly magical. Its a feeling of pure wellbeing. Thank you Darlings you changed my life.”
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Hello we are Marianne & Andreas - we'll be found at at

We are in the process of moving and transforming our website and online presence from  to at We will also be found on social media by @EmpoweredAwareness  There is much to come. We'll see you there Love and Respect  Marianne & Andreas