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Empowered Awareness

Firstly – it is important to know that: There is nothing “wrong” with anyone.

Also that everyone's body and senses are inherently wise. It is important to know that the physical body can not lie. Bodies are always displaying 100% truth. (We’ll show you how.)

Everyone has the POWER and the FREEDOM of choice to have the WEALTH of HEALTH – that means mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.

Empowered Awareness: Is a self compassionate approach to life

Clean Natural Health ~ Physical Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Sovereignty.

What we do is: Empowering people to have a healthy, loving and compassionate relationship with their body, their emotions, their thought and their spirituality

“Health is the best cure, prevention and treatment. Being healthy, does not just mean the absence of ailments. The wealth of health is the exponential growth of wellbeing: Mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. - It is feeling full of vitality. – It is REGENERATIVE. - It is POWERFUL”.

We empower, support and encourage people to find their way back to themself, their true selves. Supporting the activation of their natural health GPS, innate truth'ing abilities and other senses.

We teach and encourage people to be their own healer, their own guru, mental, emotional and physical health coach, to communicate fully with their own bodies and be the expert on their own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

We work with people who want to make better health and life choices!

Marianne & Andreas


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