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Our clients often say things like:
"Grace: “ What ever it is what you both are doing you have to bottle it up, because I feel so much better already.

“This feeling of vibrancy and vitality is astonishingly magical. Its a feeling of pure well being. Something I have not felt since my early twenties. Thank you Darlings you changed my life.”


After just half an hour talk with us, which is our basic, free introductory session, Grace said:
  • “ What ever it is what you both are doing you have to bottle it up, because I feel so much better already. “  
  • You changed my life. I wish you could  bottle what you have, everyone should have some, it is truly amazing.
Grace D

"Oh my GOD, I FEEL so GOOD, everyone, absolutely everyone should see you, you'r AMAZING". I LOVE YOU.Thank you

Rose (London)

"An all round easy life change for my body mind and spirit. The depression lifted, pain is no longer part of my life, and the cancer just vanished.

Working with you for the 8 weeks between scans and having the golf ball sized lumps that were all through my adrenal system, through my whole body, just disappeared, shocking and amazing the oncologists.

+ All clear, everything gone, FREE of the cancer diagnosis.

Thank you, I LOVE all that you are and all that you do, and I am so very grateful for you.

I LOVE my new life design. My sovereignty, my good health, I Love my life. 


Lilly A. T


"Pain free and feeling great.Thank you, you have given me at least another 10 years lease of life"

Ellie New Zealand

"A Football injury in college, knee unrepairable I was told. 
I was only over to England for a week and only had ONE treatment. For the first time in years I have no problems with my knee. I am amazed. 
Thank YOU I will see you again, even though I live in New York".

Anthony New York / USA

"I did not think the distant Wellness/healing sessions would work. It really did surprised me. I felt amazing after this too, it took away the new aches that I had become used to in daily life. WOW again and Thank you.

Thank you, your amazing ~ both of you".

Anthony NY 

"30 year back problems, a few treatments. Now I have NO pain, something neither chiropractors nor osteopaths have been able to do in all those years".

Thank YOU Gordon M

"SPACE CLEARING ~ Raising the vibrations  ~ Creating Sacred Space

I so appreciate the straight forward, no nonsense approach you have. Your no frills, jingles or fluff approach to it all,was such a blessing.

The energy in our house and workplace is now totally light and peaceful.

Before we found you, all we had been told that there was angry ghosts and dark energies, that would be to dangerous for the individual to deal with unless we forked out with huge amounts of money. An experience, of many, that frightened my wife even more.

What you did for us is priceless. No fuss, no nonsense. THANK YOU"

Nicolai N

"After one hands on session Peter was breathing 100% normal. No more asthma, nor asthma medicines for his severe asthma diagnosis. He can play and do sports like all the other kids.
Thank you".

T and N Von H

(Case study: Peter was 6 years old on his first visit, he had very bad asthma, He looked grey, pasty and had extremely raspy breath on first arrival. He could not run or play at all. He was on several asthma medicines up to 4 times a day. Which after the first session he never used nor needed again. Originally he had 2 sessions. Last time I heard of him, he was 21 and on life’s journey studying Medicine. He has been back just for one off top ups, once every 2 or 3+ years, if he felt a little breathless or tight chested during running, football or rugby. Marianne )

"Empowered Awareness, wellbeing  Coaching ~ Intuitive Consultation + (Spiritual Self defence) = Freedom and ease - stepping into personal power – Guidance.

Thank YOU I feel amazing . After looking for support in all the wrong places, finding you was a blessing. I was back not just to my normal self in no time, but feel better than ever.

Your honourable and loving help was life altering.

Then in showing me so many ways to help myself, it has increased my energy and put me firmly present in my life.

Again Thank you, my self-esteem is up and I feel so good.

It was nice to learn, how to reset the trust my own intuition/ gut sense. You made it clear for me how to easily stand in my own power, and to trust my heart and my gut. 

I am so glad there are people like you. Thank you!

I love standing in my own power, and only allow what I really want in my life now".

In Gratitude L L


"Empowered Awareness Coaching – Intuitive Guidance.

You were spot on, I don’t know how you could possibly know but you did.
All I can say is Thank You,my life is firmly on track".


"Healing Health Touch.
I feel amazing - a wonder – Love it.
Thank you"

Aud L

For Solution sessions with Marianne and/or Andreas :
Advisory consultations, coaching, mentoring, scientific & spiritually intuitive advice.
Full consultations Set and Tailor made/Bespoke solutions / programmes available or Courses, groups & seminars. 

We mainly work online/ Telegram/skype/FaceTime it is what fits in the best with a worldwide clientèle.

We can also work In person /hands on.

  • For some of our business clients this can mean taking our courses/seminars to your space and your employees.

If you would like -  we could find a time that works for you ?

If not for yourself, then you might know someone who could benefit greatly from what we do.

Please feel free to Contact us: (copy and paste) e-mail:
or use the contact link in the sidebar.

We look forward to knowing you and sharing part of the journey to thriving with you.

With Love & Respect
Marianne & Andreas
What our clients say -  "Grace: “ What ever it is what you both are doing you have to bottle it up, because I feel so much better already.
"Geraldine: "This feeling of vibrancy and vitality is astonishingly magical. Its a feeling of pure wellbeing. Thank you Darlings you changed my life.”
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