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© & Disclaimer

 ©  Andreas Ahrens & Marianne Teksnes
Empowered Awareness © All rights reserved

Nevertheless please feel FREE to share our pictures and words, even “BORROW” meaning copy, paste and share. However then always PLEASE make sure the INTEGRITY is fully kept and not taken out of context in any way. Also that clear, full credit is given to authors and Heart Cloud Consultants, with links back to the original contents and to Heart Cloud Consultants.

Love & Respect
Marianne & Andreas


All information on this website and in our blogs are based on our Views.

  • Our Experiences
  • Our Physical, Mental, Emotional Regeneration
  • Our Knowledge
  • Our Wisdom
  • Our Education
  • Our LIFE as we live it daily, powerfully, harmoniously and filled with solutions.
  • Our LIFE as we have witnessed it, seeing the impossible - BE POSSIBLE. 
  • Acting upon any advice or suggestions we make to you, for possible beneficial life changes, is entirely YOUR CHOICE to act upon. You have full and complete responsibility for yourself and for your personal choices of what you do for you.
  • All healing / Regeneration requires that everyone does their own personal part of the work to heal / regenerate one-selves, ones space and ones lives.
  • Happiness IS YOUR Birthright and YOU have the Personal Responsibility to use your FREE Will / your CHOICES to ALLOW yourself to LIVE IT !
  • You are the healer / regenerator – we tip you off, clue you in, enlighten you and encourage you self empowerment. Advice you on how you can use your power for your highest good.
  • All information, advice and services we offer is backed by the latest independent, peer reviewed, medical, biological and nutritional, and other true science. Science by free honourable fully integer scientists that work for and with solutions for humanity's and planet earth’s highest good and wellbeing.

We support informed choice.
  • We subscribe to / support wellbeing and responsible, sustainable personal, health care and natural regeneration. Sovereignty and owning ones personal power, health and wellbeing.
  • We strongly question any old system / agenda of “sick care” / the petrochemical system of mere “management of disease, pain and suffering”.
By Law we have to have a “politically recognised” Disclaimer:
  • All types and forms of complementary therapies are intended to work along side, not to replace modern pharmaceutical medical, diagnoses and/or treatment and care by a qualified “modern pharmaceutical medical” health care provider.
  • No specific results can be guaranteed by the therapist/practitioner/consultant, any guidance given, is for your consideration only. Please consider that any decisions and choices that are make as a result of any guidance during these consultation are the legal and personal responsibility of each individual only, both now and in the future.
  • Our clients take full personal responsibility for understanding and agreeing to the terms as outlined above.
  • Furthermore, our clients accept full personal responsibility for their own wellbeing and for reporting their physical and psychological health to their own modern pharmaceutical medical health care provider/GP/family doctor, as they see fit.

Terms of Use :
Any and all information shared with us, WILL NOT BE SHARED with a third party.
  • Payments are made through Paypal, therefore Paypal’s terms and conditions apply.
  • Payments must be made a minimum of 72 hours prior to any appointment.
  • Also please note! All transactions are binding and non refundable.

Contact us : by Email to make an appointment and/or for more information :

What our clients say - "Grace: “ What ever it is what you both are doing you have to bottle it up, because I feel so much better already.
"Geraldine: "This feeling of vibrancy and vitality is astonishingly magical. Its a feeling of pure wellbeing. Thank you Darlings you changed my life.”
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